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Visit our sister brand
DUNS Sweden and More than a Fling.
Since 2007, DUNS Sweden has made 100% GOTS-certified organic children's wear in a colorful, unisex style. All our garments and prints are designed from scratch in Gothenburg, Sweden, and produced by the same production company we started working with in 2007.
The production and working conditions are closely monitored by us and, first and foremost, by the GOTS Certification IDFL (017899). In 2014, a sister brand to DUNS Sweden began its journey. More Than a Fling offers the same quality, fit, and construction in solid colors. If you are looking for Organic, Scandinavian-designed, high-quality kids wear, you have found your match. We are represented in brick-and-mortar stores and web shops all over the world. You are also most welcome to visit our own web shop with worldwide shipping; shopdunssweden.se.
For more information please visit the Information page or contact us.